"It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. "

George William Curtis

Mission Statement

To offer every sea lover and boating enthusiast in Puerto Rico the best seamanship and boat operation education for their enjoyment of boats and related sports with safety, confidence, proficiency and knowledge.

The Benefits

Fun and Safe Learning Environment. Personal satisfaction and high self-esteem. Seamanship and Hands-on Skill Development. Proficiency in Powerboat Operations thru Practice. National and International Recognition. No ownership of watercraft required. Island-wide presence. Custom made Courses available. Insurance premium reductions. Sea time equivalencies toward USCG licenses.  

Raison d’etre, The Idea

Today’s Boat Operators are not required to demonstrate their proficiency on Boat Handling before obtaining their state authorization to go to sea, carry passengers, be it family or friends, and interact with other vessels. Under Law 430 the only requirements to operate vessels in Puerto Rico is to take a classroom course on the principles […]

Multi Media Bar

BOSS at Plaza las Americas


BOSS at Plaza las Americas


BOSS at Plaza las Americas



Operation Dry Water – People Behaving Badly




